Love. Communication. Identity. Values. Mindfulness. Intimacy. Relationships. Sex.

Welcome to a safe coaching space for teens and young adults.

The Problem: My Teen/Young Adult Story

I remember the conversation my parents had with me about sex.  Well, not necessarily a conversation, but their actions said we need you to know about this.  They sent my twin, me, with some close family friends to a sexual education workshop.  I vaguely remember seeing pictures of sexual organs, a condom demonstration, STDs/STIs (back then, it was all STDs), and the reiteration of the value, “You’re too young to make this decision.”; but I had already made the decision and executed the plan, and they were oblivious.

Why do I tell this part of my life’s journey? Because many parents/caregivers are oblivious when their teen or young adult decides to have sex. Fortunately, some people told me the real deal about sex. However, they left out some vital information like the emotional side, the facts about pleasure, and all it takes to take on the responsibility and consequences of having sex.

Solution #1: Consent, Love, Intimacy, and Me Teens & Caregiver Dialogues

Rooted In Love & Truth curates “The REAL DEAL Talk” workshops to help the dialogue between teens and caregivers cover what teens should know before, during, and after they decide to have sex.

Rooted In Love & Truth curates “I Am Whole” workshops to help the participants forget the myths and work on their needs and wants outside and inside the bedroom. Better partner choices and intuition attunement.

Solution #2: Young Adult Protect Your Body, Heart, Health, and Soul Dialogues

Programming Focus

Programming includes mindfulness AND trauma-informed practices. Programming that will cover:

  • The Body: The reproductive system of men and women

  • ABCs of Self: Attunement, Boundaries, Consent

  • Pleasure and Shame

  • Healthy Relationships and Choices

  • Reproductive Health

  • STDs + so much more

Time Commitment: 60-75 minutes

“Love showed up in the mirror today.”

~LaCriscia M. Fowlkes

Individual and Couples Coaching

Individual Coaching

Explore your intimate connection with yourself, your sexual preferences, and your relationships. Typically, meetings are weekly or bi-weekly.

Time Commitment: 50 minutes

Couples Coaching

Coupling can be complex. You both have brought years of “your life” as an individual to the union you’re creating. But are you bringing your whole self to the relationship or what you thought was acceptable to your partner? Is that now bringing challenges to your relationship? You can work through it with love and honesty. We are here to help break through communication, sex, and all that affects your partnership. Typically, meetings are weekly.

Time Commitment: 75 Minutes


Many things can happen to take away your sexual confidence. Like, having cervical/vaginal prolapse, softer erections, or just don’t enjoy it the way you use to. In these sessions, we explore how you got to this place and how to increase your confidence and find that sexy feeling again. Typically meetings are weekly or bi-weekly.

Time Commitment: 50 Minutes